
Back from a trip to Nepal.


However,  I think you’ll find most posts on my other blog in the future (need to focus a bit 🙂 ). You will find it here.




Felt like spring came for a visit this weekend. The sun was really warm although the lakes are still covered with ice and some stubborn strings of snow still hangs around here and there. Birds are singing. Love it.

Met a hare not far from a walkway. Several people hasted by. Did not see. Did not hear. Eyes and eras attached to the phone… Is it just me or am I just getting old?







Ice & Snow

Into the woods…



One good thing about going to Nepal is the preparations that include long walks in the nature. Here are some photos from a forest outside Huddinge. Never managed to get a great pic from inside a forest I think. Didn’t succeed this time either, but damned if I stop trying 🙂

Saw this fox that was acting kind of strange although I couldn’t figure out what it was. It was first when I checked this photo I saw that it was injured, not a great shot but maybe you can see that most of its nose is totally messed up. Poor thing.



(click to enlarge)

One with nature


I can understand why the raven is common in old mythology; the sounds it makes is so powerful and … magical. Today I happened to find myself right under the tree were one raven talked to the world (or the “other side” maybe 🙂 ). So many different sounds. So loud. I was mesmerized. A bit frustrating being so close but not getting the chance to take a photo of it, but it still was one of my best experiences of nature ever. For real.


And speaking of frustration, about fifteen minutes later I saw a white tailed eagle approaching. Put up my camera and took a shot, just to find that the shutter speed somehow had been changed to 10 sec… The eagle came my way fast and all I could do was to wait for the first shot to end… Anyhow, I managed to get some photos, maybe not the sharpest but still an amazing bird (click to enlarge).

Two common buzzards were there as well.





On top of the world…


Well, maybe not on top of the world… but on top of Trysil. Waited for the guy to ski down mountainside but he chickened out (which was a good choice as there were far to little snow for off-pist there and right next to it they already blown a possible avalanche away…)

Speaking of top of the world, in April I will go there. Not on Mount Everest but Yalung Ri, a 5630 m peak in Himalaya. Booked a trekking/climbing-trip guided by a sherpa who has been up the Everest twelve times, co-guided by Anneli Pompe who just finished her 7th summit quest down in Antarctica.

(it will not be any real climbing though)

Can’t wait to go there…


Blowing in the wind…


So it has become something of a tradition now. Been to Trysil, Norway for a long weekend skiing again. Last two years we had deep powder snow to play in, not so much this year…


The storm Tor came to visit at the same time we were there,  -4C and the wind reaching more than 20 m/s at the top. I really love to be out in bad weather… at least for short periods 🙂 It was hard to capture the landscape as the fingers got numb of the cold pretty fast. Some speed photographing…






Flying by


A heron flew by, pretty impressive size.


Kingfisher II


Some more photos of this lovely bird…



Click to enlarge:





The jewel in the Swedish bird fauna. It has been cold throughout most of Sweden lately, and the Kingfisher seeks open water wherever it can. This one was found right next to the Tyresö Castle.




Tried to catch it in the flight… not easy 🙂
